/* Custom Js Files */ var public_key = $('#s_key').val(); if(public_key != undefined) { var stripe = Stripe(public_key); } (function($) { "use strict"; $(function() { var header = $(".start-style"); $(window).scroll(function() { var scroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (scroll >= 10) { header.removeClass('start-style').addClass("scroll-on"); } else { header.removeClass("scroll-on").addClass('start-style'); } }); }); })(jQuery); jQuery(function($) { var path = window.location.href; // because the 'href' property of the DOM element is the absolute path $('.start-header .navbar-nav li a').each(function() { if (this.href === path) { $(this).addClass('active'); } }); }); $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); /* Tariffs Section Carousel */ jQuery("#tariff-sec").owlCarousel({ autoplay: false, lazyLoad: true, loop: true, margin: 20, responsiveClass: true, autoHeight: true, autoplayTimeout: 7000, smartSpeed: 800, nav: true, dots: false, responsive: { 0: { items: 1 }, 600: { items: 2 }, 1024: { items: 3 }, 1366: { items: 3 } } }); 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function initMap() { // The location of Uluru var uluru = { lat: 38.637141, lng: -90.2015233 }; // The map, centered at Uluru var map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById('map'), { zoom: 17, center: uluru }); // The marker, positioned at Uluru var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: uluru, map: map }); } /*// Initialize and add the map function initMap() { // The location of Uluru var uluru = { lat: -25.344, lng: 131.036 }; // The map, centered at Uluru var map = new google.maps.Map( document.getElementById('map'), { zoom: 4, center: uluru }); // The marker, positioned at Uluru var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: uluru, map: map }); }*/ var today = new Date(); $('#book-now-date').calendar({ type: 'date', minDate: new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate()), // maxDate: new Date(today.getFullYear(), today.getMonth(), today.getDate() + 5), onChange: function(date, text, mode) { calculate_estimate(); } }); // $('#book-now-time').calendar({ // type: 'time', // onChange: function(date, text, mode) { // calculate_estimate(); 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$.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); var email = $('#email').val(); var phone_number = $('#phone_number').val(); var country_code = $('#country_code').val(); var p_number = country_code +''+ phone_number; var otp = $('#index_otp').val(); var user_referral_code = $('#user_referral_code').val(); $.ajax({ url: "/api/driver/sendOTP" , type: "POST", data: {email:email,phone_number:p_number,type:'web',user_referral_code:user_referral_code}, success: function( data ) { if(otp == '1') { if(data.message == 'Otp sent to your mail') { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: data.message, icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); setTimeout(function(){ $('#sign-close').click(); $('#otp_sig_button').click(); $('#s_email').val(email); $('#s_phone').val(p_number); $('#load-sign').prop('disabled', false); }, 3000); } else if(data.message == 'OTP Sent') { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: "OTP sent to your phone number", icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); setTimeout(function(){ $('#sign-close').click(); $('#otp_sig_button').click(); $('#s_email').val(email); $('#s_phone').val(p_number); $('#load-sign').prop('disabled', false); }, 3000); } else if(data.message == '[HTTP 400] Unable to create record: The number is unverified. Trial accounts cannot send messages to unverified numbers; verify at twilio.com/user/account/phone-numbers/verified, or purchase a Twilio number to send messages to unverified numbers.') { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: "Update your phone number in twilio account.", icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#load-sign').prop('disabled', false); } else if(data.message == 'OTP disabled') { register_customer(); } else { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#load-sign').prop('disabled', false); } } else { if(data.message == 'OTP disabled') { register_customer(); } else { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#load-sign').prop('disabled', false); } } } }); } }); }); $(function() { $("#signin_otp").validate({ rules: { otp: { required: true, digits: true }, }, // Specify validation error messages messages: { otp: { required: "Please enter OTP", digits: "OTP must be in digits" } }, submitHandler: function(form) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $('#sign_otp_button').prop('disabled', true); $('.resend-otp').css('pointer-events', 'none'); $.ajax({ url: "/api/customer/verify" , type: "POST", data: $('#signin_otp').serialize(), success: function( data ) { if(data.message == "OTP verified.") { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: data.message, icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) setTimeout(function(){ register_customer(); }, 2000); } else if(data.message == 'Something went wrong. Please try again.') { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(true); }, 3000); } else { $('#sign_otp_button').prop('disabled', false); $('.resend-otp').css('pointer-events', ''); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); } } }); } }); }); function register_customer() { $.ajax({ url: "/register" , type: "POST", data: $('#signup_form').serialize(), success: function( data ) { console.log(data.error) if(data.error == 'Referral code does not exists') { $('#load-sign').prop('disabled', false); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.error, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); data.error = ''; } else if ($.isEmptyObject(data.error)) { var er = ''; $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: 'User registered successfully', icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(true) }, 2000); } else { $('#load-sign').prop('disabled', false); var er = ''; // toastr.error(er, null, []); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: er, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) } } }); } $(function() { $("#login_form").validate({ rules: { email: { required: true, // Specify that email should be validated // by the built-in "email" rule email: true }, password: { required: true, minlength: 5 } }, // Specify validation error messages messages: { username: "Please enter your firstname", lastname: "Please enter your lastname", password: { required: "Please provide a password", minlength: "Your password must be at least 8 characters long" }, email: "Please enter a valid email address" }, submitHandler: function(form) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $('#log-button').prop('disabled', true); $.ajax({ url: "/postlogin" , type: "POST", data: $('#login_form').serialize(), success: function( data ) { if ($.isEmptyObject(data.error)) { // var er = ''; // toastr.success(er, null, []); if(data.login == 1){ $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: data.message, icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) $( "#close_pop" ).trigger( "click" ); setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href='book-now'; }, 2000); } else { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#log-button').prop('disabled', false); } } else { var er = ''; $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) $('#log-button').prop('disabled', false); // toastr.error(er, null, []); } } }); } }); }); $(".resend-otp").click(function() { var email = $('#email').val(); var phone_number = $('#phone_number').val(); var country_code = $('#country_code').val(); var p_number = country_code +''+ phone_number; var otp = $('#index_otp').val(); var user_referral_code = $('#user_referral_code').val(); $('#sign_otp_button').prop('disabled', true); $('.resend-otp').css('pointer-events', 'none'); $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $.ajax({ url: "/api/driver/sendOTP" , type: "POST", data: {email:email,phone_number:p_number,type:'web',user_referral_code:user_referral_code}, success: function( data ) { if(otp == '1') { if(data.message == 'Otp sent to your mail') { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: data.message, icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#sign_otp_button').prop('disabled', false); $('.resend-otp').css('pointer-events', ''); } else if(data.message == 'OTP Sent') { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: "OTP sent to your phone number", icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#sign_otp_button').prop('disabled', false); $('.resend-otp').css('pointer-events', ''); } else if(data.message == '[HTTP 400] Unable to create record: The number is unverified. Trial accounts cannot send messages to unverified numbers; verify at twilio.com/user/account/phone-numbers/verified, or purchase a Twilio number to send messages to unverified numbers.') { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: "Update your phone number in twilio account.", icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#sign_otp_button').prop('disabled', false); $('.resend-otp').css('pointer-events', ''); } else if(data.message == 'OTP disabled') { register_customer(); } else { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#sign_otp_button').prop('disabled', false); $('.resend-otp').css('pointer-events', ''); } } else { if(data.message == 'OTP disabled') { register_customer(); } else { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#sign_otp_button').prop('disabled', false); $('.resend-otp').css('pointer-events', ''); } } } }); }) // On Click SignUp It Will Hide Login Form and Display Registration Form $("#signinButton").click(function() { $("#signupPanel").slideUp("slow", function() { $("#login_form").trigger("reset"); $("label.error").hide(); $(".error").removeClass("error"); $("#loginPanel").slideDown("slow"); }); }); // On Click SignIn It Will Hide Registration Form and Display Login Form $("#signupButton").click(function() { $("#loginPanel").slideUp("slow", function() { $("#signup_form").trigger("reset"); $("label.error").hide(); $(".error").removeClass("error"); $("#signupPanel").slideDown("slow"); }); }); function enableEdit() { $("#first_name").prop('disabled', false); $("#lastname").prop('disabled', false); $("#dob_profile").prop('disabled', false); $("#age_profile").prop('disabled', false); $("#country_profile").prop('disabled', false); $('#country_profile').css('pointer-events',''); $("#state_profile").prop('disabled', false); 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$.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + $('#access_token').val() } }); /*var password = $('#new_password').val(); var conf_password = $('#confirm_password').val(); if(password != 'undefined') { if(password != conf_password) { $('#cover-spin').hide(); $('.scs_msg').html('{{trans("common.Failure")}}'); $('#status_img').attr('src',"/images/failure.png"); $('#success_msg').html('trans("common.passwd_mismatch")'); $('#exampleModalCenter').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}); $('#new_password').val(''); $('#confirm_password').val(''); return false; } }*/ $('#cover-spin').show(); $('#save').prop('disabled', true); $.ajax({ url: "/api/customer/update" , type: "POST", data: $('#edit_profile').serialize(), success: function( data ) { $('#cover-spin').hide(); if (data.message=="Profile updated successfully.") { $('#status_img').attr('src',"/images/success.png"); //$('.scs_msg').html('Success'); //$('#success_msg').html('Profile Updated Successfully'); //$('#exampleModalCenter').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}); $.toast({ heading: 'Success', text: data.message, icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(true) }, 3000); } else { // $.toast({ // heading: 'Error', // text: data.message, // icon: 'error', // loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader // loaderBg: '#9EC600', // position: 'top-right', // class: 'custom_toast' // }) $('#status_img').attr('src',"/images/failure.png"); $('.scs_msg').html('Failure'); $('#success_msg').html(data.message); $('#exampleModalCenter').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}); } } }); } }); }); $(function() { $("#forgot_mail").validate({ rules: { email: { required: true, email: true }, }, // Specify validation error messages messages: { email: { required: "Please enter email", email: "Please enter a valid email address" } }, submitHandler: function(form) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $('#for_mail_button').prop('disabled', true); $.ajax({ url: "/api/customer/forgetPassword" , type: "POST", data: $('#forgot_mail').serialize(), success: function( data ) { if(data.message == "Mail sent successfully") { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: "OTP sent to your email.", icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) $('#for_pass_email').val(data.result.email); setTimeout(function(){ $('#for_mail_button').prop('disabled', false); // $('#forgotMailModal').hide(); $('#f_email').val(''); $('#f_pass_mail').click(); $('#mail_otp_verify').click(); }, 3000); } else { $('#for_mail_button').prop('disabled', false); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); } } }); } }); }); $(function() { $("#forgot_otp").validate({ rules: { otp: { required: true, digits: true }, }, // Specify validation error messages messages: { otp: { required: "Please enter OTP", digits: "OTP must be in digits" } }, submitHandler: function(form) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $('#for_otp_button').prop('disabled', true); $.ajax({ url: "/api/customer/forgotPasswordOtpVerify" , type: "POST", data: $('#forgot_otp').serialize(), success: function( data ) { if(data.message == "verified.") { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: "OTP Verified.", icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) $('#f_otp').val(data.data.otp); $('#f_id').val(data.data.id); setTimeout(function(){ $('#for_otp_button').prop('disabled', false); // $('#forgotOtpModal').hide(); $('#fo_otp').val(''); $('#f_pass_otp').click(); $('#mail_new_password').click(); }, 3000); } else { $('#for_otp_button').prop('disabled', false); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); } } }); } }); }); $(function() { $("#forgot_password").validate({ rules: { password: { required: true, minlength: 8, regex: "[^\w\d]*(([0-9]+.*[A-Za-z]+.*)|[A-Za-z]+.*([0-9]+.*))" }, confirm_password: { required: true, equalTo: "#f_password" } }, // Specify validation error messages messages: { password: { required: "OTP must be in digits", minlength: "Your password must be at least 8 characters long", regex: "Password must contains one letter and one number" }, confirm_password: { required: "Please enter confirm password", equalTo: "Password must match." } }, submitHandler: function(form) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $('#for_pass_button').prop('disabled', true); $.ajax({ url: "/api/customer/changePass" , type: "POST", data: $('#forgot_password').serialize(), success: function( data ) { if(data.message == "Success") { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: "Password updated successfully.", icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(true) }, 3000); } else { $('#for_pass_button').prop('disabled', false); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); } } }); } }); }); $(function() { $("#card-form").validate({ submitHandler: function(form) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $('#card-save').prop('disabled', true); setTimeout(function(){ $.ajax({ url: "/api/savecard" , type: "POST", data: $('#card-form').serialize(), success: function( data ) { console.log(data) if(data.message.error) { $('#card-save').prop('disabled', false); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: "Please provide the card details", icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); } else if(data.message == "Card details saved in stripe successfully.") { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: data.message, icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href='manage_cards'; }, 3000); } else { $('#card-save').prop('disabled', false); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); } } }); }, 3000); } }); $("#top_wall").validate({ submitHandler: function(form) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $('#wall-upt').prop('disabled', true); $('#card-save').prop('disabled', true); setTimeout(function(){ $.ajax({ url: "/api/topup_wallet" , type: "POST", data: {customer_id:$("#user_id").val(),amount:$("#amnt_cpy").val(),token:$("#str_token").val()}, success: function( data ) { console.log(data); if(data.message.error) { $('#card-save').prop('disabled', false); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: "Please provide valid card details", icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); } else if(data.message == "Success") { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: 'Money added to wallet successfully', icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) setTimeout(function(){ $('#card-save').prop('disabled', false); window.location.href='wallet'; }, 2000); } else { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: 'Something went wrong. Please try again.', icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#card-save').prop('disabled', false); } } }); }, 3000); } }); }); $(function(){ $("#image_update").validate({ rules: { avatar: { required: true, }, }, // Specify validation error messages messages: { avatar: {required: "Choose Image"} }, submitHandler: function(form) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + $('#access_token').val() } }); var fuData = document.getElementById('profile_image'); var FileUploadPath = fuData.value; if (FileUploadPath == '') { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: "Upload an image in jpeg or png format", icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); $('#status_img').attr('src',"/images/failure.png"); $('.scs_msg').html('Failure'); $('#success_msg').html('Upload Failed'); $('#exampleModalCenter').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}); } else { var Extension = FileUploadPath.substring( FileUploadPath.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase(); if (Extension == "png" || Extension == "jpeg" || Extension == "jpg") { $('#image_button').prop('disabled', true); var cus_type = $('#cus_type').val(); $.ajax({ url: 'api/customer/uploadImage', type: "POST", // data: $('#tutor_signup').serialize(), data: new FormData($("#image_update")[0]), processData: false, contentType: false, success: function( data ) { if(data.message == 'image uploaded.') { $.toast({ heading: 'Success', text: 'Image updated successfully', icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); // $('#status_img').attr('src',"/images/success.png"); // $('.scs_msg').html('Success'); // $('#success_msg').html('Profile Image Updated Successfully'); // $('#exampleModalCenter').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}); setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(true) }, 3000); } } }); } else{ $('#profile_image').val(''); // $.toast({ // heading: 'Error', // text: "Photo only allows file types of PNG, JPG and JPEG", // icon: 'error', // loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader // loaderBg: '#9EC600', // position: 'top-right', // class: 'custom_toast' // }); $('#status_img').attr('src',"/images/failure.png"); $('.scs_msg').html('{{trans("common.Failure")}}'); $('#success_msg').html('{{trans("common.allow_image_type")}}'); $('#exampleModalCenter').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}); } } } }); }); function card_default_change(card_id,user_id) { swal({ title: "Do you want to make this card as default?", icon: "warning", buttons: true, dangerMode: true, buttons: ['No', 'Yes'] }).then((willDelete) => { if(willDelete) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $.ajax({ url: "/api/defaultcard" , type: "POST", data: {user_id:user_id,card_id:card_id}, success: function( data ) { if(data.message == "Success") { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: 'Card default status updated successfully', icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href='manage_cards'; }, 2000); } else { $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: 'Something went wrong. Please try again.', icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); } } }); } else { } }); } $(function() { $("#card-default").validate({ submitHandler: function(form) { $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $('#yes_button').prop('disabled', true); $('#no_button').css('pointer-events','none'); $.ajax({ url: "/api/defaultcard" , type: "POST", data: $('#card-default').serialize(), success: function( data ) { if(data.message == "Success") { $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text: 'Card default status updated successfully', icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }) setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href='manage_cards'; }, 3000); } else { $('#yes_button').prop('disabled', false); $('#no_button').css('pointer-events',''); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: 'Something went wrong. Please try again.', icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); } } }); } }); }); (function() { "use strict"; var elements = stripe.elements({ fonts: [ { cssSrc: "https://rsms.me/inter/inter-ui.css" } ], // Stripe's examples are localized to specific languages, but if // you wish to have Elements automatically detect your user's locale, // use `locale: 'auto'` instead. locale: window.__exampleLocale }); /** * Card Element */ var card = elements.create("card", { style: { base: { color: "#000", fontFamily: "Inter UI, Open Sans, Segoe UI, sans-serif", fontSize: "16px", fontSmoothing: "antialiased", "::placeholder": { color: "#000" } }, invalid: { color: "#fff" } } }); card.mount("#example4-card"); /** * Payment Request Element */ var paymentRequest = stripe.paymentRequest({ country: "US", currency: "usd", total: { amount: 2000, label: "Total" } }); paymentRequest.on("token", function(result) { var example = document.querySelector(".example4"); example.querySelector(".token").innerText = result.token.id; example.classList.add("submitted"); result.complete("success"); }); var paymentRequestElement = elements.create("paymentRequestButton", { paymentRequest: paymentRequest, style: { paymentRequestButton: { type: "donate" } } }); paymentRequest.canMakePayment().then(function(result) { if (result) { document.querySelector(".example4 .card-only").style.display = "none"; document.querySelector( ".example4 .payment-request-available" ).style.display = "block"; paymentRequestElement.mount("#example4-paymentRequest"); } }); registerElements([card, paymentRequestElement], "example4"); })(); function registerElements(elements, exampleName) { var formClass = '.' + exampleName; var example = document.querySelector(formClass); console.log(example); var form = example.querySelector('form'); var resetButton = example.querySelector('a.reset'); var error = form.querySelector('.error'); var errorMessage = error.querySelector('.message'); function enableInputs() { Array.prototype.forEach.call( form.querySelectorAll( "input[type='text'], input[type='email'], input[type='tel']" ), function(input) { input.removeAttribute('disabled'); } ); } function disableInputs() { Array.prototype.forEach.call( form.querySelectorAll( "input[type='text'], input[type='email'], input[type='tel']" ), function(input) { input.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); } ); } function triggerBrowserValidation() { // The only way to trigger HTML5 form validation UI is to fake a user submit // event. var submit = document.createElement('input'); submit.type = 'submit'; submit.style.display = 'none'; form.appendChild(submit); submit.click(); submit.remove(); } // Listen for errors from each Element, and show error messages in the UI. var savedErrors = {}; elements.forEach(function(element, idx) { element.on('change', function(event) { if (event.error) { error.classList.add('visible'); savedErrors[idx] = event.error.message; errorMessage.innerText = event.error.message; } else { savedErrors[idx] = null; // Loop over the saved errors and find the first one, if any. var nextError = Object.keys(savedErrors) .sort() .reduce(function(maybeFoundError, key) { return maybeFoundError || savedErrors[key]; }, null); if (nextError) { // Now that they've fixed the current error, show another one. errorMessage.innerText = nextError; } else { // The user fixed the last error; no more errors. error.classList.remove('visible'); } } }); }); // Listen on the form's 'submit' handler... form.addEventListener('submit', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Trigger HTML5 validation UI on the form if any of the inputs fail // validation. var plainInputsValid = true; Array.prototype.forEach.call(form.querySelectorAll('input'), function( input ) { if (input.checkValidity && !input.checkValidity()) { plainInputsValid = false; return; } }); if (!plainInputsValid) { triggerBrowserValidation(); return; } // Show a loading screen... example.classList.add('submitting'); // Disable all inputs. disableInputs(); // Gather additional customer data we may have collected in our form. var name = form.querySelector('#' + exampleName + '-name'); var address1 = form.querySelector('#' + exampleName + '-address'); var city = form.querySelector('#' + exampleName + '-city'); var state = form.querySelector('#' + exampleName + '-state'); var zip = form.querySelector('#' + exampleName + '-zip'); var additionalData = { name: name ? name.value : undefined, address_line1: address1 ? address1.value : undefined, address_city: city ? city.value : undefined, address_state: state ? state.value : undefined, address_zip: zip ? zip.value : undefined, }; // Use Stripe.js to create a token. We only need to pass in one Element // from the Element group in order to create a token. We can also pass // in the additional customer data we collected in our form. stripe.createToken(elements[0], additionalData).then(function(result) { // Stop loading! example.classList.remove('submitting'); if (result.token) { // If we received a token, show the token ID. //example.querySelector('.token').innerText = result.token.id; $('#str_token').val(result.token.id); $('#pay_token').val(result.token.id); example.classList.add('submitted'); form.submit(); //alert(result.token.id); example.classList.add('submitted'); } else { // Otherwise, un-disable inputs. enableInputs(); } }); }); resetButton.addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // Resetting the form (instead of setting the value to `''` for each input) // helps us clear webkit autofill styles. form.reset(); // Clear each Element. elements.forEach(function(element) { element.clear(); }); // Reset error state as well. error.classList.remove('visible'); // Resetting the form does not un-disable inputs, so we need to do it separately: enableInputs(); example.classList.remove('submitted'); }); } function delClick(){ var cust_id=$('#delete_id').val(); var mobile_type="web"; var type="customer"; $('#delete_confirm_yes').prop('disabled', true); let spinner = document.getElementById("spinner"); spinner.style.visibility = 'visible'; $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $.ajax({ url: "api/sendAccoutDeleteRequest" , type:"POST", data:{user_id:cust_id,type:type,mobile_type:mobile_type}, success: function( data ) { console.log("del res -->",data); if(data.data==null) { setTimeout(function(){ spinner.style.visibility = 'hidden'; $('#delete_confirm_yes').prop('disabled', false); $.toast({ heading: 'Error', text: data.message, icon: 'error', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); }, 3000); } else{ // console.log("data",data.data); $('#delete_confirm_btn').click(); $('#delete_otp').val(''); $('#dele_nul_otp').hide(); $('#dele_otp_err').hide(); $('#delete_confirm_yes').prop('disabled', false); spinner.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } } }); } function otpClick(){ var cust_id=$('#delete_id').val(); var otp=$('#delete_otp').val(); var type="customer"; if(otp=="") { $('#dele_otp_err').hide(); $('#dele_nul_otp').show(); } else{ $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'X-CSRF-TOKEN': $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content') } }); $.ajax({ url: "api/confirmAccountDelete" , type:"POST", data:{user_id:cust_id,type:type,unique_code:otp}, success: function( data ) { if(data.message=="After 15 to 30 minutes your account will be deleted.") { $('#dele_otp_err').hide(); $.toast({ heading: 'Information', text:data.message, icon: 'success', loader: true, // Change it to false to disable loader loaderBg: '#9EC600', position: 'top-right', class: 'custom_toast' }); var href = $('#logout').attr('href'); setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href = href; }, 3000); setTimeout(function(){ location.reload(); }, 4000); } else{ $('#dele_nul_otp').hide(); $('#dele_otp_err').show(); } } }); } }